October 13, 2008

More Schemes & Scams: connecting more dots

I like movies. I liked it then and I still like it now. The main difference then and now is that there was only one way to watch movies back then-- you have to go to the movie houses; and you have to pay to get in. And that was the problem; I never had enough money to get in. But it did not stop me. I like solving puzzles; and how to get in was one puzzle that had huge returns: I get to watch a movie. I remember going to Makati for the first time. A classmate heard about a shop there that sold stink bombs and itching powder (-- two interesting novelties I would put to good use later on); I and two other classmates accompanied him. When we got there, however, we couldn't find the shop so we explored the Makati Commercial Center
(-- there was yet no Glorietta). And then I saw the Quad. A cluster of four cinemas within meters of each other. I was in cinema heaven. I sat down enthralled on the floor, had Chiz Curls and observed the goings on. I must have sat there for an hour. When my classmates finally found me I told them that if they’ll pay for my fare and my movie ticket, I could get them to watch all four movies at the Quad for a little more than the price of a ticket. However, I told them that if we were going to do it we have to play hooky and come early so we wouldn’t be late going home; and, that we have to be in school uniform; and finally, that they would have to bring along three Band-Aid strips each. Without asking questions they agreed.

Unlike the Cubao movie houses, the Quad had johns inside each of their cinemas so there would be no excuse to go out during a movie for a piss and each movie house had a small snack bar at the foyer. But, I have observed that the ushers and guards would let patrons out to get snacks at the main lobby. The guards would mark patrons who had ask to go out with a stamp pad. And when the patrons come back with their snacks they would be let in again when they flash the stamp marks on their arms. I noted that the marks were all the same. And that was the flaw.

A week later we were back, we got our tickets; drenched our hair with tap water and combed it back; then I placed a Band-Aid strip on different places on each of our faces: one had a Band-Aid strip just above his right eyebrow; one had a Band-Aid strip across his nose; one had a Band-Aid strip on his left cheek; while I placed a Band-Aid strip across my chin. We practically looked alike if not for the Band-Aid strips on our faces. We went in and on an agreed time we would ask leave to go out to get a snack; then we’d switch the position of the Band-Aid strips on our faces and switch cinemas.

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