Buy One (1) can Hokkaido Mackerel. Sauté two cloves of garlic (crushed and chopped), one onion (chopped) and three tomatoes (chopped) in a pot; stir and squash until the ingredients look like mush; pour lots of water. Bring to a boil; lower heat to simmer. Open the can of Hokkaido but leave a tab of tin so the top remains attached. Put a finger on the top of the can (to prevent the solids from sloshing out but watch out and make sure you don't cut your finger) and pour the brine into the pot. Simmer. Peel lots of potatoes, quarter and drop them in. Continue simmering. Stab a potato with a pointed weapon. If the potato is skewered with little resistance, it’s done. Pour in the rest of the contents of the can. Crush some of the mackerel slices to release flavor. Taste, if bland: add Ajinomoto, stir and crush more mackerel slices if necessary.
Count the mouths to feed. Add more water if necessary and crush more mackerel slices but try to achieve balance between flavor and mashed road kill. Dim the lights and serve.
My brothers and I survived hunger with this recipe. It's a happy meal that predated fastfood offerings by at least a decade.
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